Treat Eczema with homoeopathy
Eczema is an autoimmune disorder, also known as atopic dermatitis. The skin becomes dry, patchy, and rough. Also, the red itchy and bumpy rash can be visible on the skin. In most cases, allergy triggers eczema. It has been seen that commonly patients who suffer from eczema have a family history of allergy. Patients having other allergies may also develop eczema. Eczema may be either acute or chronic. It may occur abruptly or gradually and may last for a few weeks or months or years.
a.Sensitive and dry skin
b. Severe itching
c. Recurring red rashes or Inflamed red skin
d. Leathery rough patches with scaling of skin
e. Oozing, crusting, or bleeding may occur depending on the severity
It is a cycle where itching forces one to scratch leading to skin damage and a tendency to restart an itch.
The exact cause of eczema is unknown
a. Genetic tendencies as it often runs in families.
b. Environmental factors such as allergies like pollen allergies and hay fever are at their peak from March to May. Individuals and children who live in colder climates may develop it.
c. Contact with harsh soaps, detergents, metals- like nickel and copper, etc.
d. Exposure to dyes, chemicals, and cosmetics like deodorants, bleach, and regular use of synthetic clothing are also the external causes that may trigger eczema.
e. Abnormal immune system
f. Use of certain conventional medicines for a longer time.
g. Prolonged stress.
Homoeopathy Treat Eczema
Dr. Anindita’s Homeo Clinic (One of the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata providing reliable homeopathy consultation)
Homeopathy is by far the safest and more or less a permanent solution for skin allergies like eczema. It helps in relieving you of the irritation and swelling by aiming to treat the excess histamine release, which is the root cause of the disease. It follows the unique mind and body concept and aims to address the triggers within the body that cause the disease.
There are many homoeopathy remedies available in the market to efficiently treat eczema. The medicines are prescribed depending on the cause, location, sensation, modalities, and extension of the disease. The medicines are also effective in treating deranged immunity which is the basic cause of the disease. Homeopathy is considered the safest and more or less a permanent solution for skin allergies like eczema. It also helps in relieving the patient from irritation and swelling by aiming to treat the excess histamine release, which is the root cause of the disease.
At Anindita’s Homeo Clinic, your health is our only priority. Get the best homoeopathy treatment and Consultation in Kolkata for your health problems. Click on Book Appointment to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anindita Mukherjee (One of the best homoeopathy doctor in Kolkata, Belgharia, Barrackpore)
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