homeopathy facts

Why should you use homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a very popular health care method all over the world. And Homoeopathy market is growing rapidly every year in India. There are more than 2 and a half lakhs Homoeopathy doctors, more than 7000 Govt. dispensaries, and approx. 207 of Govt. hospitals providing Homoeopathy treatment in India. And a large number of the Indian population use Homoeopathy for their everyday healthcare. The education and practice of Homoeopathy are regulated by the Central Council of Homeopathy. The standardization of homeopathic drugs is carried out by The Homeopathy Pharmacopoeia Laboratory.

A medicine should not create further problems

Consider you have a car. If any damage happens to its engine or any other important mechanism, you try to repair it with the appropriate parts only so that you can have a smooth driving experience without any hassle or further disturbance. The same goes for our bodies. we should follow a healthy diet and do regular exercises to keep ourselves healthy. But for in case of any illness, we should first look for effective and side-effect-free medicines or treatment procedures. So that we could avoid further problems in our body in the long run. And we all know Homoeopathy is one of such side-effect free treatment procedures which can effectively boost our immunity to heal our body.

Crisis Management

In the case of crisis management, conventional medicines are better. Like, consider you have asthma and currently you have heavy breathing issues. So you need to heal yourself as fast as possible. So, in such a situation, conventional medicine is better. But to heal asthma from its root, you should consider a better and side-effect-free treatment method like homeopathy.

Current Trend & Remedies

In a study, it has been seen that 62 % of Homoeopathy users have never tried conventional medicine, and 82 % of the Homoeopathy patients won’t switch to conventional treatment for their health care needs (https://www.homeobook.com/interesting-statistics-of-homeopathy-in-india-2016-17). There are different types of homeopathy medicines like Dilutions, Biochemic, Speciality products, Mother Tincture, etc. are available in the market from reputed Indian and German brands. And many more new Homoeopathy medicines are being introduced by those brands every year. But you should always consult a Homoeopathy doctor to treat your illness.


Every treatment procedure has its limitations. Like- conventional medicines can not treat many critical illnesses or the body may generate other issues/symptoms in the course of taking such medicines. This creates a chain of continuous intake of different kinds of medicines to heal different problems. On the other hand, Homoeopathy is not a treatment procedure that can be opted for an emergency. Modern Homoeopathy medicines are indeed capable of providing rapid healing but you still need to give a little time to this treatment procedure to treat your illness. As everyone has a different personality and views, so you never get an agreement on what procedure you should opt for to treat your illness. However, choosing the safest and reliable treatment method may benefit you in the long run.

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